Who we are

Ageliki Grammata, CEO/CTO
When she's not riding two stallions at once while shirtless in her backyard (that doubles as a golf course), Ageliki Grammata creates superior metric alignment for top-tier c-suite ctrl-alt-delete clients like Bull Shittington's, Hats-Offingsworth's, and so many more that prudence dictates that you must continue reading this biography with your eyes closed and a smug smile on your face.
Ernie Buttons, Vice President of Optimal Metrics
Technically speaking, Ernie Buttons isn't alive, but neither is he dead. Rather, his hollowed-out brain cavity is the reaction chamber that comprises the anterior portion of the carbon-based sciences that makes Kwik Metrics the default choice of island nations seeking greater influence on global bean markets. This (coupled with our secretly government-funded research protocols and standard-issue hand wipes) makes Kwik Metrics the best company to handle your beakers (and your filthy, filthy hands).
Alessandro Dolares, Vice President of Financial Evaluation
Alessandro Dolares isn't just named after money. He's named after the legendary Alessandro Dolares of great financial fame. We are obliged to omit further details due to his dying request that no time (and therefore money) be spent telling his story after he's passed on to "that great bailout in the sky." It was said that the sky rained sad-looking banknotes on the day he died, but that was largely due to the fact that the he, sensing his imminent demise, set off a mountain of powder kegs in his private vault / death chamber in a last-minute attempt to blow a huge wad of cash. But we've said too much already.
Andre Preneur, Vice President of Funnovation
Andre Preneur smells like a man, but he has a secret: He's a machine. Built by the Glimmvox Corporation on Theta 7, his metallic embrace of peace belies his true power as the Vice President of Galactic Funnovation. He wields his mighty laser pen like a battle axe, sloppily signing his name to legislation including the Fundari Moon Mooning Treaty and the High-Speed Intergalactic Party Bus System. He chooses to live in San Francisco because it's surprisingly easy for an incognito robot to blend in there and enjoy the anonymous sex scene.
Digby Nathaniel-Jenkinson, Senior Executive Vice President of Strategic Search Direction
Why aren't you returning Digby Nathaniel-Jenkinson's calls? You said after you met for drinks at the conference that you would go out with him, but he sent flowers to everyone in the phone book who matches your name—yet you haven't replied. You seemed impressed that he is Kwik Metrics' Senior Executive Vice President (SExViPr) of Strategic Search Direction, but he guesses now it's back to the drawing board at the reverse-psychology online dating website, Yeah Right, Valentine. So much for showing him at least enough professional courtesy to ignite one of the numerous smoke signals he mailed to you before his plane trailed a banner with his name and number over the downtown area of the town that has the highest concentration of people with your name. So be it.
Hannah Litticks, Social Media Kung-Fu Master
The entire population of Hannah Litticks' village was slaughtered by companies bent on archaic social media practices. She was rescued by a pale knight (who later turned out to be Mark Zuckerberg, it was foggy) who taught her the limp-palmed keyboarding style that would turn out to be her hallmark move in the 1980 Alternative Olympics. Her gold medal, plus a burning desire for revenge, would ultimately lead to her death in a valiant struggle against terrible tweets sent from the palace of Google+. We froze her body in LN2 and keep her propped up at a desk where she can immediately begin working as soon as medical technology enabling reanimation becomes available.
Dick "Torrid" Torrington, Sales Magician / Digital Blacksmith
Dick "Torrid" Torrington's favorite drink may come in a highball glass, but you can be sure that his next offer will be a lowball. That's because he knows all about your plans to go with G****** A******** and he's not having a crumb of it. They might come at you with fancy words like "enterprise" and "cloud," but it's all bluster, and Dick knows it. You would know it too if you ever answered your email, but of course, you're a busy man, woman, or internet spider. So come on back to the sales floor, rest your weary frame in an easy chair, and let Dickie show you the way it's done—Kwik Metrics style.
Petter Zingenbroek, Vice President of Research, Mixed-Density Algorithms
Petter Zingenbroek graduated with honors from the University of New South Queensland with advanced degrees in Iberian Foreign Policy and Sub-Brownian Mathematics, specializing in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods & Quantum Nonlinear Phase-Modeling. He is presently professor emeritus at the Delft Polytechnic in The Hague. He enjoys time off in Scheveningen and also collects vintage comics and reproductions of 12th century illuminated manuscripts.
Nantucket Oswald-Hammerstein, Director of Textual Quality Insurance
Nantucket Oswald-Hammerstein first appeared on a driftwood-laden beach in California, burdened with borderline psychotic dreams of a world in which quality and insurance could comingle from time to time, possibly including dinner two or three times a year. But as time and tide wore away at that beach, she realized that her dreams had become a reality. At that point, we ended the experiment and hired her.